Friday, June 12, 2015

The men from U.N.C.L.E.

Every single day we become a bit more older than we already were and every single day offers myriad colorful experiences, some of which may be memories that last for a lifetime and some others might be inconsequential things that would never occupy our cranial space anymore. One such event happened today. For long I have been a proponent of the motto “Be Youthful, Be Exuberant” (*I created this motto, to obviously honour my selfish prerogatives*). Today at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, at around 12:12 P.M. and 30 seconds, near the microwave, I suddenly realized something! “I had packed lunch!” *Ding*,Not just that! I was heating it as well near the microwave! *Ding Ding Ding*. A quick glance around me confirmed my fears. There were men, whose faces were a clear indicator of the years that they dedicated for science. Obviously a selfish guy like me doesn’t see that. I look at the superficial, the grey in the hair, the wrinkles on the forehead and the kind. A very sad prospect indeed, I thought. All these years, without a care in the world I used to stroll in and out of office spaces sans a lunchbox. That meant lightness of being, freedom to choose your own platter. Freedom to socialize with young people of your age and freedom to eat what you wanted! Today I felt the same predicament my ‘Guruji’ Shreyas Sekar finds himself every single day. A veteran of bringing lunch to the lab, I understand how heavy his heart feels,when we call him to join us in youthful activity. The dedication that he puts into cooking his lunch the previous night, fending off hungry wolves like 'Josyula', is quite an achievement in itself. Today I realize how difficult a situation he has been put in. ‘Uncle’ is not just a feeling, it is now an emotion! Once inside you, it is etched into the very firmament of existence!

As I take the long walk to my lunch table to join fellow ‘Uncle’ Vinay Venkatraman, a tinge of sadness comes over me. I have been called a ‘kid’ for long, ‘Anna’ (*Big Brother*) for a bit more. I did enjoy them, but this new title I fear is going to never sound pleasant. I spot a little kid in the distance. Instinctively I hide, lest in the case he addresses me as *Uncle*.  Keats once said, “When old age shall this generation waste, Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe, than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say’st, “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know”.

The very thought of me bringing Keats into this discussion gives me the shudders! Why can’t I just bring in a ‘Bieber’ or a ‘Taylor Swift’. Gah! Anyways I have to go now, My mobile has been constantly buzzing. Turns out that ‘Guruji’ Shreyas Sekar and ‘Uncle-in-waiting’ Sujoy Sikdar figured out that this is a good time to get vegetables from the market as they come in fresh at this time of the day *What did I say? Being an ‘Uncle’ is an emotion’!*. Until the next status change see ya folks! Oops! I see that kid around **hides instinctively!**.

PS : As a newly converted serial basher of Kamal Haasan, I try to maintain my dignity, so the title of this blog is a shameless flick from Guy Ritchie’s yet to be released movie. However, just like ‘Ulaganayagan’, I have altered it to suit my conveniences 

Monday, April 13, 2015

One night of Cricket

March 25th, 2015,10:00 P.M. EST

The residents at 438 Hoosac were awaiting this mouth watering encounter for quite a while. In their innocent hearts they had decided the outcome already. Preparations were in full flow. The ‘usual suspects’ were invited for a grand dinner and dessert treat. This was a momentous occasion. After all it was their first ‘World Cup’ in a foreign land. Fervently hoping that their team would lift the trophy they decided to follow all the superstitions in the book of life. The tallest member of the apartment was the designated ‘chef’. During all the previous matches, he cooked the ‘same’ dish and that turned out to be a lucky charm for their team. The entire house wore a very festive look and was expecting  a ‘cracker of a game’. (Quoting a famous commentator ;-) )

What a mouth watering encounter it was. The Men in Blue were simply stunning. Their ‘Captain Cool’ had done it again. Not surprising was the fact that he finished the World Cup with his trademark ‘Helicopter’ shot. It lacked all cricketing sense and purity, it looked more like a hard worker scything the ball out. But heck! who cared, the residents were up in joy. The ‘Desserts’ were distributed rather gleefully. There was talk about getting more ‘Desserts’ and some more drinks ( Orange Juice and Carrot juice - our boys were health freaks obviously). Something unique happened during the presentation ceremony, ‘Captain Cool’, who received his trophy from the ‘God of Cricket’, dedicated the trophy back to him, saying that all he ever wanted to do was give the ‘God of Cricket’ more trophies. The whole nation erupted in joy! This was not enough for ‘Captain Cool’ and the other members of the team. They decided that they’d take the ‘God of Cricket’ on a victory lap again in that ‘sledger-friendly’ but ‘cricket-loving’ foreign land. Indians all over the world watched this scene gleefully. In fact a lot of them even started online petitions in for the ‘God of Cricket’ to come back and play. The benevolent ‘God of Cricket’ said that his time was over and just like how Goku never came back in DragonBallZ, but always remained an integral part of the franchise, our man(oops God) would also remain an integral part of Indian Cricket. The protagonists of this tale, our humble residents, even benevolently decided to split the bills of the day among themselves, thereby giving the invitees a special party. Oh! it was a wonderful feeling to see their country win…

March 26th, 2015,10:00 A.M. EST
Alarm Tone : Maa Tujhe Salaam
Mobile Phone : Nokia Lumia 1020

ramA woke up to the mess in his room in a jolt. He hadn’t bothered to clean up before dozing off the previous night. I mean after all India had lost the encounter with Australia. The team capitulated very quickly. It was only their captain who gave any semblance of a fight. All the ‘usual suspects’ who were invited were actually asked to split the bill (Duh, India lost, come on! pay up for what you ate). He had enough cricketing reasons to give for India’s defeat, but the first thing he did was to point fingers at the ‘tallest’ room mate and say, “You cooked Pizza yesterday! All the days India won, you had cooked Chole!, It is all your fault”. All the poor room mate could do was remain speechless. In fact he actually started wondering if that was the reason! Motions to ban cooking of Pizza in the apartment were given serious considerations but at the end of the day graduate student life beckoned and all that was left was a feeling of sadness. “The next World Cup is in England”, the other roomie chipped in! “Lets not make Pizza again then”!, chipped in ramA. A hearty laugh ensured!. Whether they stay in 438 Hoosac or not, some of them would remain cricket fans forever!

PS : Please close your eyes and listen to this from 'Lord of the Rings', as the curtains draw down.